
Is it a bird? A butterfly? A bee? An excrutiating boil on the bottom? A pain in the neck, and a nasty-tasting medicine? Yup. It's an extension of me; warts and all. A third arm if you like. Always handy, if you know what I mean...

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Location: Letchworth, Hertfordshire, United Kingdom

Welcome to Daily Meander Dear Reader... This blog is intended to simply be an online diary. Like my real diary, it will contain political, funny, sexual, thoughtful, sweet and engaging entries. Some will be true, and some will be patently untrue. Imagination is part of life. I use mine. Use yours.

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Paperless Kitchen

"Mmmm. Tasty, but could do with more anchovy paste. Someone julienne these baby carrots for me, I've got cramp in my thumb...oh crap! Here comes Chef. Look busy everyone.
Tum-tee-tum. Hey, whats he doing? He's putting up a notice on the kitchen corkboard.
Bet its the latest redundancies. Nah, its the results of last week's cookout. Somebody get the Kitchen Boy to have a look, he's the only one who can read in here. Whats that? Cheeky young thug. Tell us what it says. Paperless office? What kind of rubbish is that? How can you
have a paperless office in a busy kitchen? Where's the paper? Or does he mean toilet paper? Well there hasn't been any in the bog for ages anyway, so we won't miss it. Maybe he's on about the menus. That should be a laugh. Hey, everyone, Chef is going to buy us all PDAs for taking orders on.
Heh heh! What about our Delia library? Books are made of paper, what's he going to do about those then? Read that bit again Boy. A computer? In here? With all Delia's recipes in a database, in PDF format?
Whats PDF? Some kind of new flour? He's going to burn the books? He can't do that! Heretic!! I have to have my recipes down on paper, so's the Boy can read them out to me. Boy, sharpen my Sabatiers, I'm going in to the office to see Chef. Oh, and steam those carrots for me, when you've finished the pot-wash.
Jamie.....are you busy...?!

It's no different from any company. You get reformers, and you get the flat-earthers. Just that fact that you don't get quite so many sharp knives about in the average office. Or burnt salad. I just wasted an entire tree writing this out. And you just might waste another by printing it.
Don't take too much notice of the evangelical boss who berates you for blowing your nose on a tissue. Just do your bit.
Don't print off stuff you don't need. Use your computer for what it was built for - to replace filing systems and reduce over-staffing. Use just one moist wipe instead of a whole roll of loo-paper.
Especially those of you with the hairier arses. You, most of all, need to save the trees. You'll need them. Chimps.


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