
Is it a bird? A butterfly? A bee? An excrutiating boil on the bottom? A pain in the neck, and a nasty-tasting medicine? Yup. It's an extension of me; warts and all. A third arm if you like. Always handy, if you know what I mean...

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Location: Letchworth, Hertfordshire, United Kingdom

Welcome to Daily Meander Dear Reader... This blog is intended to simply be an online diary. Like my real diary, it will contain political, funny, sexual, thoughtful, sweet and engaging entries. Some will be true, and some will be patently untrue. Imagination is part of life. I use mine. Use yours.

Monday, November 29, 2004

Trading Faces

Today, as happens quite often, was an Ugly day on the Tube.

Not ugly in the sense of an ugly or nasty event happening, but Ugly in the sense of the faces of my fellow travellers. It's not down to the way they actually look, but really down to the mood I'm in.

I've noticed that if I'm tired or grumpy, or if I've got up extra early, the denizens of those early trains appear disfigured, blotchy, asymmetrical even.

Yet, if I'm in a good mood - for instance; post-coitially glowing, all and sundry appear radiant, beautiful, Swedish even.

I wonder if I appear the same to them according to the mood they are in. I'm often told that I look worried, older than I am, down in the mouth. Quite often, this happens when I'm in good spirits, happy.

I put this down to just simply being ugly, wrinkled, and heavy-jowled. Bulldoggy even.

But maybe it's because they're all in a bad mood...in fact I'm an East Anglian Adonis.

Woof woof.



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