
Is it a bird? A butterfly? A bee? An excrutiating boil on the bottom? A pain in the neck, and a nasty-tasting medicine? Yup. It's an extension of me; warts and all. A third arm if you like. Always handy, if you know what I mean...

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Location: Letchworth, Hertfordshire, United Kingdom

Welcome to Daily Meander Dear Reader... This blog is intended to simply be an online diary. Like my real diary, it will contain political, funny, sexual, thoughtful, sweet and engaging entries. Some will be true, and some will be patently untrue. Imagination is part of life. I use mine. Use yours.

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

They Say The Grass Is Greener Over there...

Well they are liars.

At least, I think they they may be fibbing slightly.

Ok. I don't know.

Mebbe it's me but...when people say "the grass always seems greener on the other side of the fence"...which fence are they on about? Is it my neighbour's fence, to the right of me? Because their grass is definitely not greener than mine. They mow it too short, so it's died over Winter.

The neighbour on the other side has patio'd his garden to death. Nary a stem or shoot dares poke it's pretty head over the side of a slab, lest it's murdered in cold blood with sodium phosphate.

So what's it all about, Sergei? I never actually peek over the 'fence' as it were, because I think that my 'grass' is better than anyone elses. Lawn, that is. Sorry Officer.

I just somehow feel that whatever everyone else is doing, I'd rather be exactly where I am right now.

At least, I think I would. But I don't know, because I don't know what they are doing. Who are they anyway? And why do they allegedly have greener grass than me? What are they doing to that grass? Why are they gardening at all? They must have better things to do with their lives. I bet they all have better sex lives than me. They certainly have nicer cars. Nicer suits. More money. Posher accents. Richer in-laws. Cleaner wheelie-bins. Smarter haircuts. I hate them - their lives must be immeasureably more satisfying, rewarding and fulfilling than mine.

But my grass is truly, definitely, actually and positively greener than anyone elses.



Blogger Tom said...

"nicer suits"?

How can wearing a suit, be it nice or not be satisfying?

Fri Feb 04, 01:36:00 PM  
Blogger therussian said...

Birthday suits are pretty satisfying...

Sun Feb 06, 01:53:00 PM  
Blogger Phil said...

...depends on whose Birthday suit it is...

Mon Feb 07, 07:51:00 AM  
Blogger therussian said...

Depends if it's hired?

Mon Feb 07, 08:39:00 PM  

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